Scopus     h-index: 24

Document Type : Review Article


1 Master of Chemical Engineering, Chairman of the Board, Environment Engineer & Manufacturer of Packaging Cartons, Fars Science and Technology Park, Iran

2 Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lorestan, Lorestan, Iran


In general, the conversion of unstable organic materials in wastewater into stable minerals is one of the stages of wastewater treatment in a treatment plant. In other words, urban wastewater treatment plants try to purify municipal wastewater by converting organic materials into stable materials that have the ability to separate from wastewater. One of the most important organic compounds in municipal wastewater are nitrogenous materials and phosphorous materials that in municipal wastewater treatment plants.  By nitrogen removal and phosphor removal in wastewater, provide the possibility of municipal wastewater treatment. Although, the nitrogenous mineral compounds (nitrites and nitrates) and phosphorous mineral compounds are not the cause of contamination of treated wastewater due to their stability, due to their high nutritional properties, their entry into natural water sources greatly increases the growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms such as algae. In fact, phosphorus and nitrogen, because they are minerals, methods of separating nutrients from municipal wastewater in municipal wastewater treatment plants should be studied.


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